“I ended up connecting with My inner child. I have now done 2 or 3 short courses with you. I have also done a few hypnotherapy sessions in between. The combination of the two has triggered repressed feelings and memories. These memories and feelings have developed into a conditioning and understanding of who I thought I was. My self-worth and the value I bring to my family, friends, and mankind. These feelings and memories have been cultivated in my childhood and was buried in my teens. The courses have forced me to look inside and deal with many childhood memories that has determined my entire life behaviours patterns. Three most important points that came about in my process thus far.
1. I was not responsible for my parents’ miserable lives. May the almighty Allah have mercy on their souls. Amen 🤲
2. I am worthy of everything the universe has to offer me. Especially love.
3. Connecting with my inner child has helped me connect better with my children.
4. I add value even though I am not perfect. (Perfection is a myth). 😁
The mental and emotional growth in the last 15 months has been phenomenal. I am calmer in the face of challenges. I am more patient. I am more emotionally flexible. I have learnt to allow and not try to control everything. I express my emotions more and I'm comfortable with it. I am more understanding of others and more accepting. Especially myself and who I am. My mind is a more loving and peaceful space. The journey on this road is continuously under construction. I accept I still have lots to learn. I will make more mistakes and that's ok. I am excited and looking forward to more learning and development. Alhamdoelilaa. Shukr to the almighty Allah for placing you in this world and on my life path. It makes the world a better place. Shukran to you for your assistance on my journey.”